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Skins by: IlliShuhada
Basecode : PikaChan

DIY Rainbow Shoes

What you will need :
1. A pair of white shoes
2. Fabric paint
3. Small paint brush
4. Paper towel

 Tutorial :
1. Tape your white shoes. (This will make you easier to apply the black paint)

2. Put the paper towel into the shoes. (This will protect the sole)
3. Paint it with the black fabric paint.

4. Take the tape off. (There'll be some black strips and white strips)

5. Apply the rainbow colors one by one to the white strips using paint brush.
6. Wait until the paint dries.
7. You've finished!

Credit : Thread Banger

Blogger Shafa Kahransya R said...

Oh my god! What should i do? My shoes turn into abstract :p


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